Saturday, August 4, 2018

Well hello there!

I am so glad you found your way here! First I would love to introduce you to my inspiration chicken nugget and fruit snack!Chicken nugget is my youngest and she will eat just about anything you put in front of her! She is still nursing and we supplement when I’m at work. This girl is the smiliest happy baby I have ever met, but I am probably more than a little bias. She is starting to stand up on her own away from the furniture which is pretty cool for only being 7 months old! We are combo feeding her so she gets both purees and table food depending on who she is with and what we have going on.
 Next is her big sister Fruit Snacks! This girl is crazy! She loves to run around and hates to be still. She also dislikes any food that isn’t candy or potato chips and clothes. She really hates wearing clothes. Her current favorite thing to eat is of course fruit snacks! She is struggling to gain weight mostly because she won’t sit still long enough to eat more than a few bites of anything at a time. She talks all the time and loves singing. Both of my girls love movies and they are absolutely in love with the movie Emojis right now. I know how important it is for children to see the world and get to enjoy all the beauty that lives here. I think its equally important for them to get a chance to see and help with the less beautiful parts of life. I am desperate to travel with my children, for them to see the highs and lows of all the places here on earth. To find compassion for those less fortunate and strive to build their own version of the American dream once they are of an age to start.  Life with my girls and the hubby can be a little crazy which is why I wanted this place to share in all the fun and craziness that we get into on a regular basis! I hope you enjoy this safe and fun space!

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