Monday, August 6, 2018

Nuggets First Trip to the Beach

Fruit Snack giving her best cheese face while running on the beach.
This is probably my favorite picture my husband got of my and fruit snacks
Chicken nugget all wrapped up and warm in her fleecie suit she looks like a little doll!
Nugget was Born in December of 2017 so after a few weeks of resting and getting acclimated to having a tiny baby and a nearly 2 year old, my husband and I decided that it was time to take the kids on a trip to be beach! Fruit snack had only been to the coast 1 time previously and it had been too cold for her to really get a chance to play and since at the time she was only 5 months old there wasn't much she could really do any ways. This trip we had decided would be different for her. Chicken Nugget of course was only a few weeks old so the trip wasn't as much fun for her but soon we will go again and I'm sure she will love it. We live about 2 hours from the beach so making a day trip with a toddler and a newborn was a bit stressful as they had to be in their car seats for such an extended period of time.
We tried to temper the amount of time the kids sat in the car by stopping at rest stops and pretty much anytime the baby had a hungry sounding cry. This did make our 2hr drive a bit longer but ultimately more bearable for the kids. Once we got to the beach we all piled out of the car and Fruit snacks had a blast running up and down the beach with daddy. I wish I had taken a few more pictures, but  I always feel that way no matter how many photos I  take. We ran up and down the beach and Fruit snacks had a blast running from the waves.

After spending some time at the beach we walked around the harbor area of Brookings Oregon. We got lunch at Sporthaven Marina, they were so friendly and absolutely wonderful with our toddler. thanks to them and their kindness she behaved very well and even got a toy out of their toy chest for being so good! I had a bread bowl full of chowder and my husband had a fried fish plate with fries. Everything we ate was wonderful. After lunch we walked over to Slugs and Stones Ice Cream cones and had some amazingly delicious frozen treats. Fruit snacks had a small berry milkshake and she drank the whole thing! I was very impressed. Since my baby girl struggles with gaining weight anytime I see her finish her food or desert its a party! We continued our little walk and ducked into a seafood market. We picked up some smoked salmon and some tuna fish and it was all very good. During our trip we got to use our Graco duo modes stroller for the first time. It fit both kids wonderfully and they were very comfy riding around the harbor. I cant wait to make another trip to the coast soon!


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