Wednesday, August 8, 2018

These are a few of my favorite things!

Warning: the photos contained in this blog post are not good! They are blurry and we all look tired and ridiculous. Welcome to our crazy little life!
Fruit Snacks and I getting a little selfie time after I got home from work.
Time spent with my daughters is time that is always time well spent. We spent the evening watching "Making It" with Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman. It’s a craft show on Hulu and it is so cool! Each week they have a faster craft and a master craft, the crafts that they do are so impressive! A good portion of them even look like something a craft failure like me could probably do! Along side the comedy stylings of both Amy and Nick these artists bring in their own quirky personalities. Several of the artists even started it as Bloggers and Vloggers! As a family we watched two episodes tonight and I personally can’t wait to see what else these genuinely talented artists come up with! We saw the artists build children's forts and themed toys to go with them. My absolute favorite was a rainbow fort built with pool noodles! It was so pretty and I am seriously considering trying to figure out how to make one for the girls even though the husband is not much of a fan. He dislikes pool noodles as a general rule despite their proven usefulness.  

Chicken Nugget barely putting up with mommy kisses

While watching "Make It" we served up and ate a wonderful dinner my husband cooked. We had Tri-Tip and miso brown sugar shrimp with cauliflower mash. I am so grateful that my husband is a wonderful cook with dreams of becoming a chef someday. Our kiddos love when daddy cooks and always seem to eat much more happily than when mommy throws together a dinner. The last few weeks have been crazy hectic for our family. My husband started his new job July 28th with a new schedule. I have been on my annual training for the National Guard. So between the both of us we have had no days off together and I personally have not had a day off since the middle of July. We have been working really hard trying to come up with reliable daycare for our kids so on top of work we have been interviewing potential day care facilities and babysitters. For me this is a tough topic because why in the world would I want to pay someone to spend the time with my kids I would much rather be spending with them. As well as struggling to find some one that I feel I can trust enough to allow them to be alone with my children. Since the last few weeks have been so busy we decided that we would put the girls to bed a little early. So after dinner we did our usual night time routine which is bath time, PJ time, brush teeth (even nugget who only has 4 teeth loves her electric tooth brush), do story time and then tuck fruit snacks into her bed and get chicken nugget to fall asleep as well. Then off to bed for Mommy and Daddy because we are tired too.

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These are a few of my favorite things!

Warning: the photos contained in this blog post are not good! They are blurry and we all look tired and ridiculous. Welcome to our crazy li...