Sunday, August 5, 2018

Ode to Coffee and Self Care

As any working mother knows you don’t just have one job, your first trill time job is the kids, followed by your second job that helps pay the bills or pays them altogether, then you start adding other jobs for me I’m also a full time college student, a national guard soldier, an athlete training for a half marathon and a blogger. My schedule can get crazy at my peak college and running time my schedule looked like something like this:
wake up at 4am get dressed and out the door to run.
post run clean up and at work by 7am
7-3:330pm work
3:30pm-10pm play with the kids, clean the house, cook dinner, bathe kids, read stories, sing songs and tuck in kids.
10:00pm-11:30pm study and do homework
11:30 try to fall asleep quickly so I can start over.

This little guy (coffee) is about the only way I survived those weeks and months of craziness with an infant and a 2 year old. So today while I’m waxing a bit poetic about how thankful I am for coffee and how much it has saved my life and my career, I want to point out that I was taking on way too much and while getting some help may not always be an option slowing down and taking a breath is. The house doesn’t always have to spotless, dinner doesn’t always have to be a 4 course affair, you and I are allowed to pop in a frozen lasagna and forget to do dishes once in a while. Kids don’t care about any of that they just want a happy parent that shows them how loved they are. So yes Love your coffee but also love yourself enough to know when it’s time to rest.

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